A preview of the Valentine’s Day event in Pokemon GO. The debut of a new creature and more

Pokemon Go

The creators revealed information about the upcoming event. What will appear in the game this time?

February is a month that is mainly associated with the holiday of lovers, i.e. Valentine’s Day. On this occasion, a themed event takes place in Pokemon GO every year. In 2022, it is no different.

The creators have prepared a lot of attractions, including the debut of the new Pokemon. Additionally, during the event, a global challenge will be active, upon completion of which players will receive an interesting bonus.

Valentine’s Day in Pokemon GO

The event will start on February 10 (Thursday) and will last until February 14 (Monday) 2022.

On this occasion, the following attractions are planned:

  • Flabébé, Floette, and Florges will make their debut in Pokemon GO. Flabébé will be found in the wild in a variety of colors (examples below).
  • From February 9, it will be possible to take part in the global challenge, which is about sending gifts. Once the trainers send enough gifts, they will unlock a bonus for all players that will last until the end of the event.
    • Required: Send 70,000,000 gifts
    • Bonus: triple the amount of candy for transferring Pokemon
  • Furfrou will get a new form – Heart.
  • A new Collection Challenge will be available in the game.
  • Kirlia evolved during the event will give creatures that know a special attack. Gallade and Gardevoir will be able to charge a psychic attack – Synchronoise.
  • The following Pokémon will appear in the wild: Chansey, Plusle, Minun, Volbeat, Illumise, Luvdisc, Woobat, Red Flabébé, Blue Flabébé, Yellow Flabébé, and Furfrou (natural form). Anyone who is lucky will find Miltank, Audino, Alomomola and white and orange Flabébé.
    • Red Flabébé will appear mainly in Europe, the Middle East, and Africa.
    • The blue Flabébé will be available in the Asia-Pacific region.
    • Yellow Flabébé will be caught in North and South America.
  • New enemies will appear during the raids:
    • 1-star raids: Miltank, Roselia, Audino, Furfrou (natural form),
    • 3-star raids: Nidoqueen, Nidoking, Lickitung, Gardevoir, Gallade,
    • 5-star raid: Registeel,
    • Mega Raid: Mega Houndoom.
  • Field Research quests will grant you: Pikachu, Eevee, Ralts, and Luvdisca. Anyone who is lucky will come across Spinda (with a hearth pattern), Frillish and Alomomola.
  • New cosmetic items for the player’s character will appear in the store.

Flabébé, Floette i Florges:

Flabébé – a comparison of different color variants:

The following bonuses will be active during the event:

  • The duration of the Lure Module will be doubled.
  • For catching Pokemon, you’ll get twice as much candy.
  • Buddy will bring items to the player more often.
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