
Current monetization in Overwatch 2 is illegal in several countries. Blizzard has given abstract discounts

Blizzard doesn’t seem to have thought through its strategy when it comes to pricing in Overwatch 2.

Blizzard has gone quite wild with discounts on skins and sets. It’s hard to say where the developers got some of the prices from in the first place, while it appears that this is prohibited in some countries.

What specifically? Showing discounts when a product has not had its original price for a certain period of time. This is an unauthorized practice in Australia, for example.

Discounted, but not discounted

It’s a fairly common pattern to write right away when releasing a product that it’s discounted, without mentioning the original price. Well, however, these are not practices that can be followed everywhere and every time. This topic was already raised a dozen days ago, and now, after the start of the Halloween event, players have started to pay even more attention to this mainly in the context of the law.

The question is what will happen next. Will Blizzard pull out of this regionally, or will it do absolutely nothing? Or maybe it will come to the conclusion that discounting a product by an exact 0% really doesn’t make sense or even meet the law in some countries.

A rather bizarre situation, which players look at with embarrassment and wonder where 2019 has gone when you could buy OW2 at a discount for a few dozen bucks and get all the skins without additional payments.