Why do LoL players already don’t like Renata? Revive allies as a normal skill and friendly fire mechanic

The players don’t think very fondly about the new heroine in LoL.
A few days ago, an information leak related to the new support from Zaun appeared on the Internet. It turned out her name was Renata. Yesterday we got to know her exact appearance and description of skills, but they came from leaks and were inaccurate. Today, the developers have released the official description of the skills along with their in-game presentation.
The League of Legends community is not at all thrilled with this fact. The heroine has many interesting skills that the players do not quite like. What do they criticize the most?
Players criticize Renata
Many new characters are criticized by the League of Legends community. This is especially true for those with new mechanics, such as Yuumi, or the newest, Zeri, traversing Summoner’s Rift at the speed of light.
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However, so far nobody expected such a “creation” as Renata. While she is only a support, she is sure to be hated by pros as well as casual gamers. For what reason? One of them is her ‘W’, which is:
Renata Glasc grants an ally or herself increased attack speed and movement speed towards the enemy. If an ally participates in killing an enemy champion, the buff’s duration resets. If an ally dies while the skill is in effect, his health will be fully restored, but he will burn anyway within 3 seconds. An ally can stop burning by participating in a kill before he dies.

As we can see, a properly cast buff is able to save the ally from death if he gets an assist. Otherwise, he will be able to defend himself for 3 seconds, similarly to gaining a chemtech soul that has already been turned off.
The second point of contention is the ultimate. It introduces a new mechanic, friendly fire:

Although it works only on auto-attacks and is easy to be avoided, a well-hit, fed ADC or enemy bruiser can really mess up a lot, and that’s what players are afraid of. Perhaps the fears of the community are unfounded at the moment, for now, we have to wait for Renata to appear on the official servers.