What’s the best way to clean the jungle to win LoL? The paths that win the most matches

Which LoL jungle clearing paths are the most popular? How does it change on both sides of the map?
Jungle on Summoner’s Rift is an extremely important element of the game, and in fact, even beginners will notice that there are neutral creatures and monsters of various types. Some camps have several mobs, while others have only one creature.
You shouldn’t forget about the dragon and Baron Nashor, the most powerful neutral monsters on the entire map. Before the team thinks about fighting for the Baron, however, the jungler must clear the smaller camps of minions in order to gain experience and gold. The order in which they will defeat specific mobs is called the jungle clearing path, and this one, as you might guess, can vary.
How does the order of clearing camps affect winrate?
Jungle in League of Legends
As you might expect, there are statistics on the internet that describe which jungle-clearing paths are the most popular and how this affects the number of wins. This does not mean that a given method will automatically win you a game or be perfect in every match, but you can treat this data as a curiosity.
Jak można się spodziewać – w internecie istnieją statystyki, które opisują to, które ścieżki robienia jungli są najpopularniejsze i jak wpływa to na liczbę zwycięstw. Nie oznacza to, że dany sposób robienia obozów z automatu zapewni wygraną lub będzie idealny w każdym meczu, ale można potraktować te dane jako ciekawostkę.
First of all, it is worth taking a closer look at the first camp on the blue side of the map.
As you can see, the most popular is the Red Brambleback (74%), which is known by its colloquial name – red buff. Much less often it starts with the Blue Sentinel (21%), referred to by players as a blue buff. Third on the list are the Raptors.
What does it look like on the red side of the map?
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Once you know where to start, you must focus on the plan for further forest clearing. Proper movement between camps will not only save time but also ensure better preparation for the first gank – junglers who want to gank, for example, top, can arrange their path in such a way that after a certain level they will be near the top lane.
This is how the most popular paths on the blue side look like:
Red side:
As you can see, popularity does not always go hand in hand with the number of wins. Beginners should remember that jungle clearing depends on many factors and can also vary with who and against whom they are playing.