Udyr rework – Detailed description of new skills, presentation of the changed hero directly in LoL

We learned about Udyr’s revamped abilities. Riot has already officially disclosed them.
Riot released official information about Udyr’s rework. The developers added a description and presentation of the skills directly in the game. Below is just the official information:
Passive – Bridge Between

Awakened Spirit: Udyr has four basic abilities that swap between stances. He can periodically recast his active stance to Awaken it for bonus effects, with a shared cooldown between stances.
Monk Training: Each time Udyr enters or Awakens a stance, his next two attacks gain attack speed and refund some of Awaken’s cooldown.
Q – Wilding Claw

Udyr gains a burst of attack speed and his next two attacks deal bonus physical damage.
Awaken: Udyr gains even more attack speed, and his next two attacks chain lightning off the target, bouncing up to 6 times. Lightning can strike the same target multiple times, dealing heavy damage to isolated targets.
W – Iron Mantle

Udyr gains a shield and his next two attacks restore health.
Awaken: Udyr gains a bigger shield, his next two attacks heal even more, and he restores a percentage of his max health over the next few seconds.
E – Blazing Stampede

Udyr gains a burst of move speed. His first attack against each target while in this stance lunges a short distance and stuns them (per-unit cooldown).
Awaken: Udyr gains even more move speed and briefly becomes immune to crowd control.
R – Wingborne Storm

Udyr temporarily summons a storm around him that slows and damages nearby units. His next two attacks cause the storm to pulse, dealing bonus magic damage.
Awaken: Udyr unleashes the storm, causing it to deal additional damage and chase after nearby enemies.