Soraka for the first time on MID in a professional game. Unusual LS tactic in LoL

League of Legends

LS and his interesting tactics for playing Soraka on mid lane.

There’s a lot going on in League of Legends right now, and regular and pro players alike don’t know exactly what’s going on. Especially since Janna is being played on the top lane with smite, and now Soraka is on the MID.

Namely, LS probably came up with this tactic. He’s a well-known streamer and currently the Cloud9’s trainer. He showed midfielder Fudge how to play her against Viktor, who then picked her in the match and won.

Soraka on mid

While everyone is currently talking about the weird top lane Janna with smite, there’s a lot more going on in LoL. This was demonstrated by C9 Fudge in the Cloud9 match against Evil Geniuses. He played Soraka on mid lane for the first time in two years. He hadn’t played this character before, but he did a short training session with LS – one of the best LoL coaches in the world.

As it turned out, it was enough and in the end, the team consisting of a really strong front and Aphelios crushed their opponents. How did C9 Fudge himself do his job? He did really well indeed. This is shown in one of the excerpts from that match:

The tactic was so amazing that the player was asked about it after the game. In an interview, he replied that he hadn’t played this character for a very long time, but in the end, he turned out to be better than the opposing center’s, and his colleagues also did a great job.


Can Soraka enter the meta on mid? There is really little chance for that to happen. It’s just that on the professional stage it all depends on the team composition and this is why sometimes different picks work out.

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