She was watched by 10 people while playing LoL, so she found something “better”. Twitch streamer and its way to viewers

Twitch has lots of categories, lots of weird streams where it’s not quite clear what’s going on.
ASMR is nothing particularly new. Bans for doing ASMR also no longer surprise anyone. There have been a few streamers in the history of this category who have been banned for “suggestive” content. Among them is one girl who is still hovering on the edge.
Her streams are about… Actually, it’s hard to say what exactly. Certainly about licking the microphone in pretty skimpy outfits. Should it be banned? It is certainly suggestive, so there will probably be information about the ban soon.
Fast career on Twitch
ASMR is the easiest way for girls to stand out right now. This example shows it very well. It took this particular streamer 3 months to gather an audience of 2.5-3.5 thousand people.
It is worth mentioning that she previously streamed, among others, League of Legends. On average, 10 people watched her. It is showcased by the initial period of 2021.
So there is a better way. In fact, it was enough to share clips that were viewed tens of thousands of times, which are then taken to, for example, TikTok.

It is quite specific and on the verge of a ban. The streamer is rather aware of this, especially since she also advertises her other media.

From 10 viewers on LoL to over 3,000, this is a really big leap. It’s not hard to see why girls still choose to go for this content after all.