
Riot is testing a new feature on one of its League of Legends servers. Will it be possible to find friends to play with?

What is the feature being tested by Riot that allows you to search for friends to play with?

League of Legends is a team game and it is very common to search for a match with others. By getting in line with someone you know, the chance of the match being unpleasant for some reason decreases. However, not everyone has a group of friends playing LoL, and some fans, if they want to play, are forced to look for a match alone. Riot apparently wants to make their lives more pleasant by testing a feature on one of its servers that will allow them to find a gaming companion. What does it look like and what is known about the tested option at this point?

Friend Finder in LoL

A user with the nickname Luxfanna shared the information that a “Friend Finder” tab has appeared on the TR server. Filling in the data in it can allow other players to search for a profile or have it automatically matched by the system. The feature is a great option for those who didn’t have many friends to play with and were looking for someone with whom they could join a queue together whether we are talking about ARAMs or ranked games.

What is the questionnaire you need to fill out to save your profile in the search engine?

  • What hours do you most often play on weekends?
    • In the morning
    • In the afternoon
    • In the evening
    • At night
  • What position do you prefer to play?
    • Top
    • Mid
    • Jungle
    • Bot
    • Support
  • What position would you like your new teammates to play?
    • Top
    • Mid
    • Jungle
    • Bot
    • Support
  • Which of the following options fits you best?
    • I want to play on normals and non-ranking drafts
    • I want to grind rank in solo/duo queue
    • I want to have fun playing ARAMs
    • I want to show my abilities on ranked games
  • Do you prefer to use a microphone to communicate with your team?
    • Yes
    • No

The author of the post also shared a screenshot of the tab he was describing.

As you can see on the left side of the screen, this is just a beta feature and it is unknown in what form, if any, it will make its way to other servers. Nevertheless, it is worth bearing in mind that Riot is working on such a solution, and players who have played alone so far will most likely soon have the opportunity to find a companion to play with. Interestingly, under the name of the summoner you can find a link to his profile on