Patch 12.5 in LoL will appear way later, Riot is taking almost a month’s break from the update

League of Legends

Between Update 12.5 and Update 12.6, League of Legends will not be updated for almost a month.

Patch 12.5 will be coming to the official League of Legends servers soon, it will not be a major update and only a few heroes will be changed.

Players will have to wait a lot longer for the next patch, as this one is expected to be released on official servers at the end of March.

Break from updates

League of Legends developers have accustomed players to regular patches every two weeks. However, those who closely follow the updates probably know that sometimes there are slightly longer interruptions. This time it is not an extra week, but almost a month.

Patch 12.5 will appear on official servers on Wednesday – March 2. Only a few heroes will be changed in it, including Master Yi and Seraphine. So it is not one of the big ones. The next update, marked 12.6, will not be released on March 30, almost a month later.

12.5 – Wednesday, March 2, 2022
12.6 – Wednesday, March 30, 2022

According to speculation, such a long break is due to the introduction of a new system to League of Legends, or the update of the current ones. Perhaps developers will fix many bugs that recur every few months. At the moment, however, there is no official information.

The theory is confirmed by SkinSpotlights, saying that it will probably concern updating and repairing tools.

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