Part of the content of the next League of Legends pass – Anima Squad

What can LoL fans learn about the next battle pass that will soon be released?
There are regular passes in League of Legends, the purchase of which allows players to unlock a large amount of new content at a relatively low cost. Fans can earn tokens, which are then exchanged for selected rewards, such as Prestige skins or chromas for the latest skins.
At the moment, it is already known what will be the leitmotif of the next pass in LoL – the Anima Squad series, the skins of which have already been presented – Presentation of seven new skins that will appear in LoL. Including the Prestige edition. Now we have managed to reach some of the content that will be in the store for tokens.
Information about the next pass
Along with the new skins for Jinx, Miss Fortune, Riven, Sylas, and Vayne, a new Anima Squad-themed pass will be coming to League of Legends. Each battle pass offers interesting items in the event store, so this time is no different.
Many players wonder what content they will be able to get and what will be in each Orb or pack.
Information on this subject has been made available on the internet and is as follows:
Anima Squad Token
Tokens are earnable until May 2, 2022 at 11:59 p.m. PT. Tokens are purchasable until May 9, 2022 at 11:00 a.m. PT. Tokens expire May 9, 2022 at 1:00 p.m. PT.
Anima Squad Orb
Open to reveal a guaranteed random Skin Shard with a chance to obtain an Anima Squad 2022 Grab Bag. Bonus chance at Mythic Essence.
Anima Squad Exclusive Pack
Contains 3 skin shards worth 1350RP or lower OR 4 random skin shards of any value OR 4 skin permanents of any value. Bonus chance at Mythic Essence.
Anima Squad Grab Bag
Contains 3 skin shards worth 975 RP or higher OR 4 random skin shards worth 1350 RP or lower. Bonus chance at Mythic Essence.
For more content on the upcoming Anima Squad series, see another article – New chromas, icons, emotes, and rewards for League of Legends Ranked Split.