More proof of how strong Kai’Sa from LoL can be. Pentakill without much effort

One of the players has published a video that shows Kai’Sa from LoL, who destroys five enemies almost by herself.
Many League of Legends players like to test various builds that do not always reflect the original idea of the character. In the game, many champions have different types of conversion factors, which means that they can do well while being built for both AP and AD. Theoretically, characters for the bottom lane, specifically the ADC role, in most cases are champions relying on auto attacks, attack speed, or critical damage. However, it sometimes happens that some of their skills are great for AP builds. Probably most people know AP Ashe or AP Ezreal.
One of the characters that works very well for AP is Kai’Sa. She was released on March 7, 2018, and is unique in many ways. A lot of players thought (and still think) that her design is too “packed” – Kai’Sa is strong for both AP and AD, has invisibility, a long-distance dash, and a shield.
Recently, some LoL fans have released various videos that show that AP Kai’Sa is simply OP. Here is another proof.
AP Kai’Sa pentakill
A user with the nickname BlueFishYordle posted a video on Reddit showing the action in mid lane. The red team is in a rather unpleasant situation – there are no towers in the base, and after the last team fight, as many as 3 people from this team died. Those who are left must defend the Nexus against five enemies.
Among the living heroes was Kai’Sa built for AP (it is worth adding that she was doing very well in this game because at the moment she had 7/2/9), who decided to shoot enemies from her W. As you know, W of the character – Void Seeker – Upon reaching 100 Ability Power, applies 3 Plasma Charges and reduces skill cooldown by 50% upon hitting Heroes.
Anyone who has fought against AP Kai’Sa knows that her W can do really massive damage. You can also see it in the video below – some of the opponents lose more than 3/4 of their HP after one hit.

The blue team probably did not expect Kai’Sa to beat them all alone. The heroine eliminated her opponents one by one. It was incredibly easy for her – enemy health bars would disappear in the blink of an eye. Moments after that, the word “pentakill” appeared on the screen.
Many commenters mentioned that the above video reminds them of the ARAMs where AP Kai’Sa scares her enemies immensely. There, hitting W is much easier, so doing unimaginable damage is not a problem. Those who played against a heroine say that Riot should nerf her as soon as possible.