LoL streamer “Doaenel” banned on Twitch for his name. Only after a while will you understand

The streamer “Doaenel” was banned for his name.
The rules of the most popular streaming platform are often unclear or confusing, even for people who have streamed there for many years. Every now and then we get all kinds of changes, which are either pointless or so imprecise that in the end it is not known what is going on.
Now it turns out that another creator known from Twitch has been blocked. This time it turned out that his nickname “Doaenel”, which has been used for many years, is inappropriate. Recently, many people have been suspended just because of their names. What’s wrong this time?
Inappropriate nickname
Yesterday, one of the League of Legends streamers found out that his account has been banned indefinitely. Although to deserve such a long blockade, you have to do something really bad, this time it was his nickname that violated the regulations on Twitch.
Although he used it for many years, it has now been deemed inappropriate and his account has been banned.
As we can read, the ban is indefinite, but with the possibility of revocation. This means that if he successfully appeals, his ban should be lifted. What, however, did Twitch not like about this nickname?
It seems that the reason was that the nickname is similar to the phrase “do an*l”, which would actually be inappropriate. However, it is still puzzling that the platform bans a large creator for his ‘nick’ and does not even inform him about the suspicion beforehand.