Faker sued his haters. LoLa player with official conference and police officers

League of Legends

Faker decided to sue his haters. This is known officially.

Fans in Korea can be incredibly toxic, as the entire community of the game, including players and various artists, has found out. Faker is one of the people who decided to say enough. A League of Legends player has officially initiated at least a few different cases through a law firm.

It is not known who is being sued and for what comments. However, you can guess that it is about something bigger, which mainly players in Korea know. The international community has so far not been able to track down specific comments or actions against Faker that would suit the lawsuit.

Lawsuits on behalf of Faker

It is generally known that lawyers on behalf of Faker and the entire T1 have filed at least a few lawsuits against people who attacked Faker with their actions or comments.

Officially, Faker has yet to comment, at least not on his free social media. The competitor will probably do it in some time. It’s hard to say more at this point. The only hint is article 311.

Article 311 (Insult)
A person who publicly insults another shall be punished by imprisonment or imprisonment without prison labor for not more than one year or by a fine not exceeding two million won. <Amended by Act No. 5057, Dec. 29, 1995>

But it also doesn’t talk say who got sued, for what exactly, and what Faker or the organization itself expects.

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