Early description of patch 12.5 in LoL. Big Seraphine buffs and Master Yi’s and Ahri’s nerfs

League of Legends

Several characters and Hullbreaker changes in update 12.5 in LoL.

A week before the next update to League of Legends, developers reveal to the community some information about the planned changes to the balance. As Riot Phlox explains, in connection with this year’s President’s Day, which ends on February 21, LoL will receive a slightly smaller update than normal. Despite this, a decision was made to strengthen 3 characters and weaken 4.

Interestingly, Seraphine was taken care of to a greater extent, when it was found that she is too weak and needed her “W” and “E” buffs. Additionally, Master Yi has also been dealt with and he will receive new effects and nerfs on his “Q” “E” and “R”.

Champions’ buffs

  • Samira
    • HP per level: 88 >>> 94
    • Armor per level: 3 >>> 3.5
    • R Cooldown: 8s >>> 5s
  • Kennen
    • 4th attack damage on W: 20/30/40/50/60 (+ 100% bAD) (+ 25% AP) >>> 35/45/55/65/75 (+ 120% bAD) (+ 35% AP )
  • Seraphine
    • W:
      • Mana Cost: 50/70/90/110/130 >>> 50/60/70/80/90
      • Cooldown: 26/25/24/23/22s >>> 28/26/24/22/20s
      • Shield: 75-225 (based on level) (+ 45% AP) >>> 60/80/100/120/140 (+ 40% AP). Allies now receive the same shield value instead of 2/3 of the Seraphine Shield value.
      • Heal: 5% (+ 1.125% per 100 AP) of health lost by an ally >>> 5 / 5.5 / 6 / 6.5 / 7% (+ 0.75% per 100 AP) of health lost by an ally.
    • Cooldown E: 13/12/11/10/9s >>> 11/10.5/10/9.5/9s

Champions’ nerfs

  • Ahri
    • W:
      • Mana Cost: 25 >>> 30
      • Damage: 60/85/110/135/160 (+ 30% AP) >>> 50/75/100/125/150 (+ 30% AP)
    • E mana cost: 50 >>> 60
  • Gwen
    • Damage against monsters on passive: 10 +0.25 AP >>> 10 + -0.15 AP
    • Additional attack range from E: 100 >>> 50
  • Xin Zhao
    • E Cooldown: 11s >>> 12s
    • R Duration: 5s >>> 4s
  • Master Yi
    • Q:
      • Damage: 25/60/95/130/165 (+ 90% AD) >>> 30/60/90/120/150 (+ 60% AD)
      • Crit: 60% (Bonus critical damage) additional damage >>> 50% (Bonus critical damage) additional damage
      • Now applies the effect on hit (the effect on later hits is reduced)
      • Cooldown now scales to the maximum cooldown reduction from Skill Haste (no longer double hast)
    • E:
      • Damage: 30/40/50/60/70 (+ 35% bAD) >>> 30/38/46/54/62 (+ 35% bAD)
      • Duration does not decrease during W >>> Duration does not decrease during W and Q.
      • Can now be cast when using Q.
    • R:
      • Duration does not decrease during W >>> Duration does not decrease during W and Q.
      • Can now be cast when using Q.

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