
Did you name a dog or cat after a character from LoL? This professional gamer named his baby this way

A professional League of Legends player named his child after a character from the game.

Addiction to games and fascination with a given title can manifest themselves in different ways. Some people hang portraits of their mains on the walls, others make up their nicknames that refer to heroes, and still, others call their animals using LoL names.

The well-known World Champion in League of Legends, however, as reported by one of the South Korean portals, “Ambition” decided to give his son a sonorous name Jarvan V.

A child named Jarvan V

At the outset, it is worth mentioning who Ambition is, because many people may still not know him. He is a retired SSG and Gen.G player who is currently streaming. However, his power led him and the entire team (then the SSG) to win the most important tournament in League of Legends, the 2017 World Cup.

Incredible form and favorite hero – Jarvan IV – was immortalized even in the music video “Rise”, the Worlds’ anthem, which refers directly to this character.

For his performance and winning the World Champion title, he also received a LoL skin. It was – who would have expected – Jarvan IV and this skin is available in the game to this day.

As you can see, it was still not enough and the player had an interesting idea to name his child the successor of Jarvan IV, that is Jarvan V. The South Korean portal Naver informed about it.

This original name will be used by his son for the rest of his life, and the pro gamer probably hopes that he will also be able to get to the challenger. Who knows, maybe in a few or a dozen years they will play League of Legends on streams together, and his dad will make sure that he becomes a player of the highest level. Fans hope, however, that he will do so in a way that does not harm the child.