
ARAMs in LoL are too long? Riot will look into this, as well as check the skills of the characters

Riot is starting to focus on ARAMs in LoL. Players say they are too long, and some heroes rely on only one skill.

Many League of Legends players don’t like ranked queues or even regular Summoner’s Rift games. They prefer to draw a hero and try their hand at eternal team fighting on the Ice Bridge.

So far, Riot has interfered little with this mode, and changes have usually been about balance. At least for the past few years. Now, this is changing, and the developers are getting serious about All Random All Mid.

Planned changes to ARAMs

The developers announced some time ago that the entertaining and less intensive mode will undergo changes. However, it turns out that this is not all and there will be some more. The developers, probably for the first time in the history of this mode, want to take into account, among other things, the game time. Some matches on Howling Abbys heavily extend and can last up to 30 minutes.

Another problem in the games is the inadequate balance of characters relying on AP and AD. A good example here is Kai’Sa. Although she is good for AD as a shooter, most players prefer her version for AP. Then, without having to put herself in danger, she attacks enemies from a distance.

The same Riot employee confirmed that they will also take this matter into consideration in the near future:

As you can see, instead of focusing on AD/AP balance, the developers want to look at skills. If this happens, it may turn out that Kai’Sa will not be the only character redesigned in this way.