Another bug at Worlds 2022 in LoL. This time it led to the team being dropped from the tournament

League of Legends

A bug in League of Legends that could cause Top Esports to lose at Worlds 2022.

The League of Legends World Championship 2022, is the biggest tournament organized by the developer. However, despite the fact that preparations for the top-level tournament have been going on for several updates, there are still slip-ups.

The first was a strange visual error on Orianna. Now, one of the key magic damage protection items – Maw of Malmortius – did not work.

Another bug at the Championships

Although usually at Worlds, progression is determined by skill, now something unexpected has happened. Especially looking at the rank of the tournament. First, there was a bug for Orianna, whose bullet came back to her, but the super skill backfired on Viktor from the opposing team. This, however, did not decide the match.

However, there are strong indications that Top Esports lost the group stage match because of a bug. Thus, GAM Esports managed to reverse the fate of the match and took their opponents on the road back home.

When the TE fought under the nexus of the opponents, Karthus with his GEM decided to interfere. However, he should have taken some damage, but the whole course of the situation was changed by Maw of Malmortius on Lucian, who decided to “sell the match” and not use the item.


Sett took advantage of this and hit the now barely alive Lucian. Had it not been for this, the latter would perhaps, after using “E”, have hit the barely living Nexus and ended the encounter. This is what the action looked like moments later:


At this point, Riot Games has not yet commented on the topic. However, there is a small chance that the match will be replayed. It happened on Saturday and so far there has been no reaction from the organizers.

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