According to leaks, LoL will receive skins for 2400RP. How will they be different from the rest?

According to the latest leaks, players will be able to buy skins with a tier higher than Legendary and lower than Ultimate.
There is a huge amount of cosmetic content in League of Legends. In the store, you can find icons, emotes, ward skins, TFT maps, and Little Legends. However, the most iconic addition is, of course, the champios’ skins. Lots of fans of the game collect skins, even if many of them will be never used.
There are several tiers of skins in the game that have a fixed price. Cheap skins in the 520-750 RP range usually change very little, and you can even call them basic appearance recolors. Over time, Riot introduced more extensive skins that added new recall animations, different skill effects, a new dance, additional character dialogue lines, and music accompanying the recall.
Today, most of the new skins are those priced at 1350 RP, which are epic skins. Only the legendary and ultimate are more expensive than them. For many years, Riot has not introduced anything between these tiers (apart from the revised price of Gun Goddess Miss Fortune). It turns out that this may change in 2022.
New skins for 2400 RP?
As it was mentioned above – there has not been a new price range among LoL skins for years. Prestige or hextech skins do not count here, as these have no RP value.
This is the list of skin tiers that are currently available for purchase in the store:
- Classic – 520 RP (plus exceptions for 390 RP and 460 RP)
- Deluxe – 750 RP
- Standard – 975 RP
- Epic – 1375 RP
- Legendary – 1820 RP
- Ultimate – 3250 RP (except Gun Goddess Miss Fortune – 2775 RP)
There is a leak on the internet that says it may change soon, as 2400 RP skins will probably be added to the game. Most of our readers will not be surprised, as we already mentioned this a few months ago. This is another case where leaks take longer to become apparent.
How will these skins differ from the others? You can see it in the video below. Skins will add new Baron and Dragon dying animations, and animated ornaments upon getting a kill.
Riot shows examples of what skin VFX could look like in a new tier between Legendary and Ultimate.

New tier of skins that will be around 2200 ~ 2600 RP. The skin will meet all the requirements for the legendary skin and have additional effects, such as new sounds or animations when killing or achieving a game objective. – we read in the leak.
So far, nothing more is known about this. It is not certain if the skins will be delivered in this form, or if they are only preliminary plans and their price will change.