A detailed description of the changes for patch 12.15 to LoL. Nerfs of 6 heroes and 10 buffs. Zed with infinite range of shadows

Patch notes for the upcoming update 12.15 for League of Legends. Several nerfs, 10 buffs, and systems changes.
Update 15 is already approaching League of Legends this season. This time, Riot is not remaking any characters, and this patch is mostly about numbers.
For this reason, it was decided to nerf 6 characters, including Master Yi, who was wreaking havoc in high elo. But when it comes to buffs, none other than Lillia, who seems to have been somewhat forgotten recently, will receive them. The patch is scheduled for Wednesday 10 August.
Champions’ buffs
[P] Dream-Laden Bough monster damage cap increased from 40-100 >>> 50-150 (based on level)
[P] Noxious Slipstream movespeed increased 20% >>> 25%
[P] Noxious Slipstream per-target cooldown reduced 10 >>> 8 seconds
[R] Insanity Potion bonus AP, armor, MR, and movespeed increased 20/60/100 >>> 30/65/100
[R] Soaring Slam cooldown adjusted 110/95/80 >>> 90 flat seconds
[R] Soaring Slam base cast range increased 600 >>> 800 units
[R] Soaring Slam range growth per-movespeed ratio increased 1.3 >>> 1.5
[R] Soaring Slam minimum dash speed increased 700 >>> 900 movespeed
[R] Soaring Slam maximum dash speed increased 1800 >>> 2000 movespeed
[Q] Shield of Daybreak mana cost reduced 45/50/55/60/65 >>> 35/42.5/50/57.5/65
[R] Solar Flare stun/slow duration increased 1.5 >>> 1.75 seconds
[Q] Death Sentence cooldown reduced 20/18/16/14/12 >>> 19/17/15/13/11 seconds
[Q] Death Sentence base damage increased 80/120/160/200/240 >>> 100/140/180/220/260
[W] Electrical Surge cooldown reduced 14/12/10/8/6 >>> 13/11.25/9.5/7.75/6 seconds
[W] Electrical Surge active base damage increased 60/85/110/135/160 >>> 70/95/120/145/170
[R] Slicing Maelstrom AP ratio increased 20% >>> 22.5%
[W] Twilight Shroud bonus/restored energy increased 80 >>> 100
[W] Living Shadow shadow spell mimic range increased 2000 >>> ∞
[E] Shadow Slash energy cost reduced 50 >>> 40
[E-P] Shadow Dash energy restore increased 30-40 >>> 30-50 (based on level)
- [Q2] Resonating Strike energy cost reduced 30 >>> 25
- [W2] Iron Will energy cost reduced 30 >>> 25
- [E2] Cripple energy cost reduced 30 >>> 25
Champions’ nerfs
[E] Wuju Style cooldown increased 18/17/16/15/14 >>> 18 flat seconds
[P] Royal Privilege AD ratio reduced 45% >>> 30%
AD per level reduced 3.3 >>> 3
[E] Spell Shield cooldown increased 22/20/18/16/14 >>> 24/22.5/21/19.5/18 seconds
[R] On The Hunt cooldown increased 100/85/70 >>> 120/100/80 seconds
[Q] Snip Snip! true damage conversion reduced 75% >>> 50%
[E] Unraveled Earth cooldown increased 16/15/14/13/12 >>> 18/17/16/15/14 seconds
[R] Weaver’s Wall duration reduced 5 >>> 4 seconds
- Base AD reduced 69 >>> 66
Systems’ changes
Magic Resistance increased 30 >>> 40
Quicksilver movespeed duration increased 1 >>> 1.5 seconds
Magic Resistance increased 35 >>> 40
HP increased 300 >>> 350
Quicksilver slow resistance/tenacity increased 40% >>> 50%
Bonus damage reduced 10% >>> 9%
- Spellblade pre-mitigation healing reduced 65% >>> 55%