A detailed description of patch 12.8 for League of Legends. Buffs of 14 characters and nerfs of just 3
What exactly will change in the upcoming update for LoL?
League of Legends regularly receives updates that are mainly aimed at improving the balance in the game. As a rule, too strong heroes are nerfed, and too weak heroes receive buffs. In some patches, however, you can also find more interesting changes, such as the Swain mini-rework described below, which is supposed to significantly improve the comfort of the game resulting from playing this champion.
The update, the description of which can be found below, is important because it is this one on which MSI matches will be played, so for the professional scene, it is a really important moment. Some of the changes were probably removed because of the games played by professional players. Perhaps some of them will appear in the next patch, in which the fixes will no longer have such a great chance of messing up the meta.
Update 12.8
Champions’ buffs
- Mordekaiser
- Darkness Rise (P)
- Move speed increased 3% >>> 3%/6%/9% at 1/6/11
- Darkness Rise (P)
- Aatrox
- Changes removed from patch.
- Vladimir
- Base stats:
- Armor increased 23 >>> 27
- Base stats:
- Poppy
- Steadfast Presence (W)
Cooldown decreased 24/22/20/18/16 >>> 20/18/16/14/12
- Keeper’s Verdict (R)
Knockup increased 0.75 >>> 1 second
Missile speed increased 2000 >>> 2500
Knockback distance increased 2400 >>> 3400
- Channel refund cooldown decreased 30 >>> 15 seconds
- Steadfast Presence (W)
- Sejuani
- Fury of the North (P)
- Cooldown decreased 12 >>> 12-6 seconds based on level
- Fury of the North (P)
- Fiddlesticks
- Bountiful Harvest (W)
- Healing against champions increased 30%/35%/40%/45%/50% >>> 30%/40%/50%/60%/70% of damage dealt
- Bountiful Harvest (W)
- Zoe
- Paddle Star! (Q)
Mana cost decreased 50/55/60/65/70 >>> 40/45/50/55/60
- Portal Jump (R)
- Mana cost decreased 50 >>> 40
- Paddle Star! (Q)
- Kassadin
- Null Sphere (Q)
- Shield increased 40/70/100/130/160 (+30% AP) >>> 60/90/120/150/180 (+40% AP)
- Null Sphere (Q)
- Vel’Koz
- Plasma Fission (Q)
AP ratio increased 80% >>> 90%
- Void Rift (W)
- Initial AP ratio increased 15% >>> 20%
- Plasma Fission (Q)
- Xerath
- Shocking Orb (E)
- Stun increased .5-2 >>> .75-2.25 seconds based on distance
- Shocking Orb (E)
- Sylas
- Hijack (R)
- Cooldown decreased 100/70/40 >>> 80/55/30 seconds
- Hijack (R)
- Ezreal
- Trueshot Barrage (R)
- Cooldown decreased 120 >>> 120/105/90 seconds
- Trueshot Barrage (R)
- Tristana
- Base stats
- AD per level increased 3.3 >>> 3.7
- Base stats
- Jhin
- Deadly Flourish (W)
Root duration increased 1/1.25/1.5/1.75/2 >>> 1.25/1.5/1.75/2/2.25 seconds
- Damage is no longer reduced against monsters
- Captive Audience (E)
- Cooldown decreased 28/25/22/19/16 >>> 24/21.5/19/16.5/14 seconds
- Damage is no longer reduced against monsters
- Deadly Flourish (W)
- Bard
- Traveler’s Call (P)
- Meep base damage increased 30 >>> 35
- Meep damage per 5 chimes increased 12 >>> 14
- Traveler’s Call (P)
- Seraphine
Changes removed from patch.
Champions’ nerfs
- Pyke
- Moved to a future patch to allow for the changes.
- Soraka
- Astral Infusion (W)
- Heal decreased 100/135/170/205/240 (+70% AP) >>> 100/130/160/190/210 (+65% AP)
- Astral Infusion (W)
- Jinx
- Base stats
- Base health decreased 610 >>> 560
- Base stats
- Xayah
- Double Daggers (Q)
- Damage decreased 45/65/85/105/125 >>> 45/60/75/90/105
- Cooldown increased 10-6 >>> 10-8
- Double Daggers (Q)
- ALSO – Riot will “remove” Aurelion Sol from LoL. The first hero to be recreated with the same appearance
Poprawki bohaterów
- Kai’Sa
- Second Skin (P)
- Missing health damage ratio increased 2.5% per 100 AP >>> 5% per 100 AP
- Void Seeker (W)
- AP ratio decreased 70% >>> 45%
- Killer Instinct (R)
- AP ratio increased 75% >>> 100%
- Second Skin (P)
- Swain
- Ravenous Flock (P)
- Swain can no longer pull crowd-controlled enemies
- Swain’s pull no longer deals damage
- Healing: 4/5.5/7% (levels 1/6/11) maximum health ⇒ 4/5.5/7%/9% (levels 1/6/11/16) maximum health
- Health per soul fragment: 5 ⇒ 12
- Death’s Hand (Q)
- Mana Cost: 65/70/75/80/85 ⇒ 45/50/55/60/65
- Cooldown: 9/7.5/6/4.5/3 seconds ⇒ 7/6/5/4/3 seconds
- Damage: 55/75/95/115/135 (+40% AP) ⇒ 60/80/100/120/140 (+40% AP)
- Additional Bolt Damage: 15/20/25/30/35% ⇒12/22/32/42/52 (+10% AP)
- Maximum Damage: 88/135/190/253/324 (+64/72/80/88/96% AP) ⇒ 108/168/228/288/348 (+80% AP)
- Vision of Empire (W)
- Mana Cost: 70/80/90/100/110 ⇒ 60//65/70/75/80
- Pings now display enemies in range, similar to Twisted Fate R and Nocturne R
- Nevermore (E)
- Can be reactivated to pull all champions rooted by Nevermove
- Cooldown is reduced by 20% during Demonic Ascension (R)
- Demonic Ascension (R)
- Cooldown 120s ⇒100/80/60 seconds
- Drain Damage per second: 35/50/60(+14%AP) ⇒ 20/45/70(+10%AP)
- Drain Heal per second: 20/35/40(+16%AP) ⇒ 20/40/60(+16%AP) ⇒ 15/40/65(+25%)
- No longer grants 125/200/275 health
- Upon casting Demonic Ascension, Swain gains 50 demon power. Demonic Ascension lasts as long as Swain has demon Power, which drains at a rate of 10 per second. While draining an enemy champion, Swain gains 20 Demonic Power per second. After 3 seconds, Swain can cast Demonflare (R2)
- Demonflare (R2)
- Demonflare Damage: 100/150/200(+50%AP) ⇒ 150/225/300(+60%AP)
- Demonflare now slows enemies by 60% decaying over 1.5 seconds
- On casting Demonic Ascension, Swain can cast Demonflare 1 time. This does not end Demonic Ascension
- Demonflare no longer charges up based on health drained, up to double damage
- Ravenous Flock (P)