
Influencer known for surgeries that make him look like a k-pop idol suddenly converts and preaches about God

Oli London is a really interesting persona on the Internet, who once again amazes with his unusual ingenuity…

Oli London is a unique character. The influencer is best known for his plastic surgeries, which were supposed to make him look like Jimin from BTS. Oli, as he claimed, proved his point and his appearance does indeed resemble the K-pop idol. However, opinions among Korean music fans are very divided and for many people, Oli London is now a walking meme.

The influencer has had many episodes in his life. First the great obsession with Jimin, then the search for one’s inner self to finally realize that he is a non-binary person identifying as Korean, dressing in the style of a Korean woman, and now… abandoning one’s identity in the name of God and preaching religion.

Oli London has… converted?

Oli London is for many people one big meme, for others a really harmful personality who only cares about other people’s attention. Every now and then it becomes noisy about him, as if Oli monitors his reach very carefully because when the voices about him quiet down, the influencer suddenly comes out with completely new ideas about himself.

It seems that Oli himself is starting to make fun of his unique ideas and eccentric lifestyle. Recently on his Instagram, he decided to “shorten” the story of his life to 4 major episodes:

What is this all about anyway? That’s the question that a huge number of people who have some association with Olie are asking themselves right now. The influencer was recently invited to British television, where he gave an interview. It is apparent that even the presenter was not sure how he should approach such a person, how to present him or how to talk to him.

In the interview, Oli began to talk about his problems in finding himself, his identity and the road he had traveled. He even wove religion into all this, and said that thanks to God he found himself, understood a lot, and now wants to help fight for schools not to allow teenagers to have plastic surgery, but to support them in finding “their self.”


For many people, this is simply too much. People don’t approve of what Oli London is doing online, they consider his actions harmful, and in fact, his persona is the most hurtful to the growing children and teenagers who follow him online. It will be interesting to see what the influencer comes up with when his popularity and reach drop again.