The most popular browser add-on that blocks ads on Twitch has proven to be dangerous

Several hundred thousand users have just found out that a popular browser add-on that blocks ads on Twitch has behaved quite poorly.
Ads on Twitch can be really annoying, as a result of which many people choose to install software that blocks the showing of even “great” Nintendo spots. Now it turned out that one of the blockers was inserting its own reflinks.
If your browser has recently asked you about this add-on, it is worth considering its further use. The blocker uses its own reflinks when making purchases.
The add-on may be harmful
The add-on in question is “Video Ad-Block, for Twitch”. At the moment, over 600,000 people use it.
The case came to light just a few hours ago, so you will probably get a question from your browser today if you still want to use it or not.
The add-on just inserted its reflinks, probably only in the case of Amazon. But since the creators went so far as to do so, then perhaps this is only the beginning. The case became popular mostly on Reddit, where people admit that the browser did ask them something and they didn’t quite know what it was about.
To see the full scale of the situation, just go to the latest reviews of the add-on, which are obviously negative.
The creators of the add-on have yet to respond, but they will probably do so soon. Only an apology is expected.