How much did it cost to produce Avatar 2: The Way of Water? It’s the most expensive movie of all time

TV series and movies

We already know how much the entire production of the latest Avatar 2: The Way of Water has already cost.

Avatar: The Way of Water is the second installment of this film series, which was somehow “unearthed” after a good 13 years. Nevertheless, it was highly anticipated by fans of the first part.

The latest part of Avatar came out at the end of last year, on December 16, 2022, to be exact, and was one of the most anticipated films of recent years. It is known that the production required a mass of work, but also costs. How much did its budget amount to?

How much did it cost to produce the new Avatar?

Avatar 2: The Way of Water is definitely one of the best film productions of last year. It has proven to be the highest-grossing film worldwide at this point. What’s more, it has also already been announced that there will be sequels to the series in the coming years, and interestingly enough, this time you won’t have to wait more than a decade.

It is said that Avatar is one of the most demanding films in the world due to the amount of CGI used and various 3D visual effects. Is this true? According to the estimates of the source, which is Deadline, we can read that the budget of the latest Avatar could be as high as $460 million, which would make it the most expensive film in the history of all Hollywood.

Originally, the production budget was to be $250 million, while executives were to budget the entire $1 billion for all the planned Avatar films. According to Variety, Fox News heir Lachlan Murdoch said that:

These will be the most expensive films of all time.

For example, the first part of Avatar fetched the filmmakers almost half as much, about 237 million. However, it is said that all that money was worth it because Avatar: The Way of Water is currently the highest-grossing film of all time.

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