What is worth knowing about the newest legendary Pokemon in Pokemon GO – Tapu Lele?

Pokemon Go

The most important information about another legendary creature from the Alola region.

The creators of Pokemon GO introduced the second legendary Pokemon from the Alola region to the game, i.e. the next guardian of the island. This time it is Tapu Lele. Fans of the series probably know it well from console games or anime, but it is worth telling about it to players who have not had contact with other titles about pocket creatures before.

Tapu Lele in Pokemon GO

Tapu LeLe is the legendary fairy and psychic type Pokémon introduced in Generation VII. It is the divine guardian of Akala Island. Other islands also have their guardians, which are:

  • Tapu Koko,
  • Tapu Bulu,
  • Tapu Fini.

Tapu LeLe has no gender, and it is not known if it evolves with or into another Pokemon.

Tapu LeLe in anime

Tapu Lele may be based on a butterfly emerging from a chrysalis. There is also a theory that he is inspired by Kāne, one of the four major Hawaiian gods. In Hawaiian mythology, Kāne is the creator god who breathed life into the first man.

Its name may be a combination of the words tapu (Hawaiian – holy) and pulelehua (Hawaiian – butterfly).

Tapu Lele’s inner body is black with white markings under its eyes and around its torso. It has pink eyebrows and two long, digitless arms with pink around the wrists. The inside of Tapu Lele’s body is inside of the lower, larger part of its shell, with the upper part of the shell on its head. It can close the shell to look like a butterfly.

Tapu Lele is guilelessly cruel, meaning it doesn’t know any better. Despite this, it will heal people and Pokémon with its scales. It’s the guardian of Akala Island, and it lives at the Ruins of Life.

In-game appearance and comparison with shiny version:

Stats, counters and best attacks

Pokemon is vulnerable to poison, ghost, and steel attacks (160%), as well as resistant to fighting, psychic (63%), and dragon attacks (39%).

Its base stats are as follows:

  • Attack: 259
  • Defense: 208
  • Stamina: 172

The maximum CP at account level 40 is 3,494.

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