
The player moved Pokemon to the real world. Is this how Pokemon GO should look like?

One of the Tiktokers shared recordings that delighted the community of fans of Pokemon games.

Older players who had their first encounter with the Pokemon series in the 90s probably remember how, when they were a kid, they would very much like the pocket creatures to be real. The growing community of fans dreamed that once the games about lovable Pokemon would be so complex that they would simulate catching them in the real world.

The breakthrough was the release of Pokemon GO in 2016. Niantic decided to transfer the creatures to virtual reality. Thus, players could meet their favorite Pokemon in their backyard or while walking, and the real places on the map became PokeStops or gyms.

Although the game is constantly being expanded and compared to 2016 the title has developed very much, according to some, the interactions with their favorite creatures are still too minimalistic. One of the players decided to create animated Pokemon and record a series of tiktoks with them. The recordings are to look as realistic as possible as if pocket creatures really existed.

Pokemon in the real world

Tiktoker Dave Ashby has created various videos of everyday Pokemon situations. Among the recordings you can see Zubaty hanging upside down in a cave, a sleeping Snorlax, Ponyta standing in a stable next to a real horse, or Dwebble and Crustle dancing on the beach.

Some of the videos quickly spread on the internet and gained millions of views. For example, a short clip that has been watched over 5 million times:


Here are some other examples:







Viewers thought that the presented Pokemon look incredibly cute and would like Pokemon GO to allow interactions like those shown in the videos. Many fans of the game dream of Niantic adding many more animations to buddies that you can call in your profile. For now, the buddy can eat the fruit thrown to him, react to stroking, attack or perform simple animations of walking or joy.