The creators of Pokemon GO have revealed information about three more Community Days

Pokemon Go

Niantic has released the dates for the upcoming Community Days. When exactly will they take place?

Community Day is a favorite event of the month for many players. This is a great opportunity to catch a large number of Pokemon (and thus – a chance to get one with a perfect IV), including the shiny version. Community Day is also a time of many interesting bonuses, such as an increased number of candies, double experience points for catching creatures, and so on.

The creators decided to reveal the dates of the next three Community Days, i.e. those that will take place in March, April, and May. What are the exact dates?

The upcoming Community Days in Pokemon GO

The official website of Pokemon GO has a schedule of three consecutive Community Days. Unfortunately, it is not known which creatures they will apply to. The details of the March Community Day, which will be held in less than a month, will probably be revealed soon.

Here are the published dates:

  • March Community Day – Sunday, March 13, 2022,
  • April Community Day – Saturday, April 23, 2022,
  • May Community Day – Saturday, May 21, 2022.

It remains to wait for more information on this topic. As always, the creators will offer a set of Special Research tasks (which are available after purchasing an event ticket), as well as extending the duration of the Lure Module or Incense. Of course, there will be many more attractions.

Some fans are already guessing who the upcoming Community Days will cover, but it’s hard to predict what’s planned for the coming months.

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