Official announcement of the Alola region in Pokemon GO. Everything you need to know about it

Pokemon Go

The creators have confirmed that more Alolan creatures will appear in the game soon.

Yesterday, the subject of leaks from Pokemon GO appeared online. According to dataminers, the game code contains information about new creatures from the Alola region, i.e. a collection of islands inspired by the Hawaiian climate, where Pokemon from the VII generation appear.

It didn’t take long for the developers to officially confirm that the new creatures will actually be added to the game., which will happen soon. So far, there have been a few posts on this topic on the Pokemon GO game accounts, and among them, you can find a short video.

The Alola region in Pokemon GO

First, it is worth remembering that the Alola region is mainly associated with Sun and Moon games, in which the player can move around the islands inspired by Hawaii and learn about the local culture. This region is unique because it features unique versions of well-known Pokémon such as Raichu, Rattata, Diglett, Vulpix, and Geodude, but also completely new species that cannot be found elsewhere.

Generation VII, of course, has its own characteristic starters: Rowlet (grass and flying type), Litten (fire type), and Popplio (water type).

Pokemon GO fans have long been waiting for the addition of Generation VII to the title because it is really interesting and diverse.

Fortunately, the big moment has finally come and it has been officially confirmed that the Alola region will be added to the game. A short video has appeared on the Pokemon GO Twitter profile that refers to the Generation VII starters and greets players with the word “Alola”, which comes from the greeting “Aloha” (Hawaiian).

The official profile also features graphics showing postcards from the Alola region. You can see the outlines of known species of Pokemon that come from that place.

Pokemon GO fans are really excited. So far, it is not known what Pokemon will appear at the very beginning (apart from the starters, of course). It is possible that Niantic will be adding creatures gradually to provide players with new attractions for a long time.

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