A guide to raids on the occasion of the Festival of Colors event in Pokemon GO. What you need to know

What is the best way to counter Pokemon in the latest raids?
Today, a new event called Festival of Colors has started in Pokemon GO. On this occasion, a completely new creature has been added to the game, which will appear in 4 different versions.
The new event, of course, also means bonuses and other attractions. Among them, you can find themed rallies to which such Pokemon have returned as Tornadus, Alolan Marowak, or Umbreon.
Current raids in Pokemon GO
Tier 5 – 5-star raids
Tornadus (Therian)
- Type: flying
- Region: Unova
- Vulnerable to:
- ice, rock, electric – 160%
- Resistant to:
- fighting, grass, bug – 63%
- ground – 39%
- Best counters: Darmanitan (Galarian Zen), Thundurus (Therian), Zekrom, Rampardos, Deoxys (Attack).
Tier 3 – 3-star raids
Druddigon has no evolution in Pokemon GO. It is possible to catch the shiny version.
- Type: dragon
- Region: Unova
- Vulnerable to:
- ice, dragon, fairy – 160%
- Resistant to:
- fire, water, grass, electric – 63%
- Best counters: Kyurem (Black), Darmanitan (Galarian Zen), Palkia, Rayquaza, Salamence.
Alolan Marowak
Marowak is the evolution of Cubone. It appears in the Alolan version during the raid. It is possible to catch the shiny version.
- Type: fire, ghost
- Region: Kanto
- Vulnerable to:
- dark, ground, rock, ghost, water – 160%
- Resistant to:
- fairy, ice, fire, grass, steel, poison – 63%
- fighting, bug, normal – 39%
- Best counters: Gengar, Darkrai, Chandelure, Rampardos, Kingler.
Marowak will also appear in the regular version.
- Type: ground
- Region: Kanto
- Vulnerable to:
- water, grass, ice – 160%
- Resistant to:
- poison, rock – 63%
- electric – 39%
- Best counters: Darmanitan (Galarian Zen), Kingler, Darmanitan (Galarian Standard), Kyogre, Zarude.
Umbreon is one of Eevee’s evolutions.
- Type: dark
- Region: Johto
- Vulnerable to:
- fairy, fighting, bug – 160%
- Resistant to:
- ghost, dark – 63%
- psychic – 39%
- Best counters: Lucario, Conkeldurr, Breloom, Machamp, Blaziken.
Chansey is an evolution of Happina. It evolves into Blissey. It is possible to catch the shiny version.
- Type: normal
- Region: Kanto
- Vulnerable to:
- fighting – 160%
- Resistant to:
- ghost – 39%
- Best counters: Lucario, Conkeldurr, Breloom, Machamp, Blaziken.
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Tier 1 – 1-star raids
Jigglypuff is an evolution of Igglybuff and it is evolving into Wigglytuff. It is possible to catch the shiny version.
- Type: normal, fairy
- Region: Kanto
- Vulnerable to:
- steel, poison – 160%
- Resistant to:
- ghost, bug, dark – 63%
- dragon – 39%
- Best counters: Metagross, Deoxys (Attack), Dialga, Roserade, Genesect (Burn).
Rockruff evolves into Lycanroc (two versions of the appearance – Midday and Midnight). It is possible to catch the shiny version.
- Type: rock
- Region: Alola
- Vulnerable to:
- fighting, ground, steel, water, grass – 160%
- Resistant to:
- normal, flying, poison, fire – 63%
- Best counters: Celebi, Primarina, Decidueye, Tapu Lele, Lycanroc (Midnight).
Treecko evolves into Grovyle and then Sceptile. It is possible to catch the shiny version.
- Type: grass
- Region: Hoenn
- Vulnerable to:
- flying, poison, bug, fire, ice – 160%
- Resistant to:
- ground, water, grass, electric – 63%
- Best counters: Darmanitan (Galarian Zen), Reshiram, Volcarona, Chandelure, Darmanitan (Standard).
Mudkip evolves into Marshtomp and then Swampert. It is possible to catch the shiny version.
- Type: water
- Region: Hoenn
- Vulnerable to:
- grass, electric – 160%
- Resistant to:
- steel, fire, water, ice – 63%
- Best counters: Thundurus (Therian), Zekrom, Deoxys (Attack), Deoxys (Normal), Zacian (Crowned Sword).
Torchic evolves into Combusken and then into Blaziken. It is possible to catch the shiny version.
- Type: fire
- Region: Hoenn
- Vulnerable to:
- ground, rock, water – 160%
- Resistant to:
- bug, steel, fire, grass, ice, fairy – 63%
- Best counters: Rampardos, Kingler, Landorus (Therian), Kyogre, Excadrill.
Mega Raid
Mega Lopunny
It is possible to catch the shiny version.
- Type: normal, fighting
- Region: Sinnoh
- Vulnerable to:
- fairy, fighting, flying, psychic – 160%
- Resistant to:
- bug, rock, dark – 63%
- ghost – 39%
- Best counters: Lucario, Conkeldurr, Breloom, Machamp, Blaziken.