The mission designer in Overwatch caused quite a stir with this entry. Another addition to the guessing-game about OW2

There’s a lot and nothing happening in Overwatch 2 at the same time. There are many little tips and few official announcements.
All players are waiting for any announcements related to Overwatch 2. So far, it can be said that it’s not even that there are not so many, as there is nothing new on the topic. So the community must read between the lines and look for the slightest sign that something is about to happen.
And all the smaller and larger signs in the sky say Blizzard should have something meaningful to announce by now. However, nothing but the standard add-ons have been released or announced.
Overwatch mission designer entry
Another brick that can be added to speculation about Overwatch 2 is the mission designer for Overwatch entry. He, on his Twitter account, published a rather mysterious message.
In the case of Blizzard, nothing can be simple, so it’s not quite clear here what’s going on. Is it an announcement that the studio is at the stage of advanced mission tests with normal people, or maybe the designer writes about something not directly related to Overwatch – it cannot be determined in any way.
Overwatch is at a stage where anything can happen at any point in time. Announcements may be published today, but also appear in a few weeks or months.