
How to earn money quickly in Forza Horizon 5? Credits Guide

There are several ways in which you can earn money in Forza Horizon 5.

Forza Horizon 5 is a really addictive title. Players can take care of many things, such as exploring the map, racing, or acquiring new cars.

For the latter, in many cases, money is needed, but money can be obtained in many different ways. How exactly?

Ways to earn money quickly in Forza Horizon 5

Car trade

Selling the acquired cars through Auction House is a really great way to earn money quickly. However, it’s worth remembering that if a vehicle was received as part of a mission, many other players will also receive it. As such, another option is to buy vehicles at a low price and sell them.

Rewards in the Forza Hub app

Logging in to Forza Hub on a regular basis may allow you to access regular loyalty rewards. Usually, these are credits of different value, although it is worth adding that there are situations when the player receives 150,000 virtual currency at a time. This is enough to buy a new vehicle or simply make improvements.

Super Wheelspin

The wheel in Forza Horizon 5 is another very simple and quick way to earn money. They can be received by purchasing high-end real estate, by finishing races, or by going through each season of festivals with successful performances.

Horizon Festivals

Horizon Festivals are one of the most effective ways to earn credits. Players can upgrade their events, increasing the rewards.

It’s hard to choose one effective way to earn credits in Forza Horizon 5, so it’s worth just getting a bit of each one. Only this will allow you to quickly expand your virtual assets.