Which role is the least chosen in all of LoL? The players write why they think it is this one

The players really don’t want to play in this position. What role are we talking about and why does it look like this?
League of Legends is a team game where each of the five players has a specific role. Not all of them are chosen by players as often as the rest. It is not surprising. Each item has its own specific task, and some of them may not be as interesting as others.
It is relatively easy to guess that the middle line will be the most crowded. This is where the main 1v1 battles take place, and this is what many players are looking for in LoL gameplay. Which of the roles is the least chosen one?
The least frequently chosen role in LoL
A player with the nickname Abusing_MH in the ranked season 12 decided to play only as fill. This means that his role in each game will adapt to what the team currently needed. What position did he have to play most often?
Last season I started to play fill only. Games were kind of even between Top/JG/ADC with a bit of support and a hand full of mid games. This season all of that changed. I now get 80% JG 18% ADC and a hand full of Top games. Never Support or mid yet.
Also I often find myself vs a filled jungler. I currently play gold/plat elo and only have roughly 200 games this season.
The player began to wonder why players are so reluctant to go to the jungle. He mentioned the somewhat unfortunate role of a jungler who is relatively often insulted by his allies and accused of losing the game. This, however, does not look worse than in previous seasons, so such a discrepancy is incomprehensible to him.
There are really many entries in the comments that describe how thankless the role of a player who goes to the jungle is.
Most annoying thing about Jung is especially when your team is behind, your entire team will attempt to catch up by farming. This is fine. Except they will farm literally everything on the map and you being a jungler will be spam pinged when attempting to get a wave. Yet they will take every camp once it’s up.
ALSO – More proof of how strong Kai’Sa from LoL can be. Pentakill without much effort
Yea jungle is blamed every game, I just got filled in as jungle and ganked successfully for bot 4 times we had 3-0 dragons and got rift herald and they still blamed me for our loss because i did not gank bot enough.
Most of the comments, therefore, refer to the fact that the role is really unpleasant to play, as the team burdens the jungler with a huge amount of tasks that often cannot be completed, and for each unfulfilled wish, the player is then insulted.
While the goal of the jungler hasn’t changed, perhaps players are fed up with what playing in this position looks like. If Riot wants this to change, they’ll likely need to bring back more of its impact on the gameplay. This could slightly encourage players to pick it, and the situations described above might not be that common.