
The Gargoyle Stoneplate item will get a revamp in LoL. It will now be for late game

Gargoyle Stoneplate will be selected later in the game. The item receives a rework.

There will soon be changes in League of Legends. All this on the occasion of the fast-approaching pre-season. Developers are already slowly introducing new features to the test server to see how they are doing there.

Now a new version of a strong item for tanking has appeared on it. We are talking about the item Gargoyle Stoneplaye. Its main asset is the shield, which has also been changed. What does the new “Rabadon” for tanks look like?

Sizable changes to Gargoyle Stoneplate

Until now, the Gargoyle Stoneplate was a strong tank item that was built even in the mid-game. It provided magic resistance, armor, accelerated skills, and gave a shield, a really big shield that could change the course of the game.

Now it will be shifted more to the late phase of the game. Its price has gone up, and the shield effect begins to drop after just one second. Here’s what the new version of it looks like, found on the PBE by Spideraxe:

  • Cost increased from 3,200 to 3,600 gold
  • Shield duration increased from 2.5 seconds to 3 seconds
  • Shield starts to drop after 1 second
  • Armor and magic resistance increased from 60 to 80

The Gargoyle now gives more damage resistance, but it also costs more. For this reason, players are more likely to opt for more cost-effective items, and this one will be chosen later in the game. So it’s safe to say that it’s a kind of Rabadon, but in a tankier version.