LoL players have found an easy way to increase clients’ performance. You only need to delete one folder

League of Legends

How to increase the performance of the League of Legends client? Just delete one of the folders.

The League of Legends client doesn’t work very well and every player knows it. It stutters frequently, some functions need to be reset to work again, and everything is too slow.

However, there is a solution to this. A Reddit user came up with it and shared his way with the community. Although it is not permanent, it is so easy that it is not time-consuming to repeat it.

Increasing clients’ performance

Redditor with the nickname adek13sz found a solution to one of the biggest problems of League of Legends players. It’s about a slow client, especially on weaker computers. Sometimes it is so unbearable that some have to wait even several dozen seconds for it to turn on. This happens even after the game when it’s already running in the background.

You do not need any special skills to do it. All you need to do is find the League folder – usually, it’s located here: C: \ Riot Games \ League of Legends and delete the contents of the “Logs” folder.

Sometimes, thanks to this, you can gain up to several GB of disk space. The most important thing is to relieve the client.

As the author emphasizes, it does not work permanently. After turning it on a few times, everything returns to normal and you have to repeat this again. However, if the client does not reset frequently, the cleaning should last for days or even weeks.

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