What to expect from today’s Fortnite update? Items likely to return


Today, a new update will come to Fortnite, which will be a content update. It just means that you shouldn’t expect anything to be downloaded.

Content updates mean you don’t need to download anything extra. You should also not focus on a lot of new cosmetic items. Recent updates like this have mostly been about restoring older items.

And it will probably be the same this time as well. There are mainly two things in the line to come back, both of which are weapons.

What to expect today?

Of course, the most exciting is the news about the event and the end of the season. However, since this is a content update, nothing new will appear on these topics. It is different about restoring items.

And here the specifics begin. There are definitely bows to be restored. This is something we mentioned a few days ago. Epic wants to return to the atmosphere of “Wild Weeks”.

The long-awaited revolver may come to them. This is not a sure thing, as it was supposed to be released a few updates ago.

The topics that are still circulating are:

  • Continued FNCS – possible skin disclosure
  • Cooperation, under which items from Rocket League will appear
  • Cooperation with Peacemaker
  • The Crew for March
  • New challenges

Nothing particularly exciting, but it’s always something. We will have to wait for more interesting news until next week and update 19.40.

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