This is what the Fortnite earthquakes are supposed to look like. Leakers managed to find the recordings


Leakers managed to recreate the earthquakes we wrote about yesterday.

Virtually every season of Fortnite, something happens with the map that somehow affects it. Now it is likely to be earthquakes that will destroy buildings and other structures.

This is directly related to the IO and drilling operations. However, if you are not completely interested in the story, then you need to know that everything around you will be shaking soon.

What does it look like?

One might expect the players’ screen to blur in some way, but so far it is not at all. It just gets louder and buildings are destroyed all around. It looks downright unnatural.


It is still unknown when these quakes will actually occur, but everything is ready. Let us remind you that they are to take place randomly at selected points and take a small amount of HP.

As a result, permanent cracks will appear on the map and buildings will be demolished permanently, not just for a given match.

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