This is how a person who plays Fortnite with one hand builds. What’s your excuse?

Even people who, for various reasons, have only one hand, still are good players in Fortnite.
Playing Fortnite requires a lot of skill, not only aiming and shooting but also building. It is the latter element that bothers many players and continues to deter them from trying out Epic’s game.
In the meantime, various people show that you can have fun in Fortnite even with one hand. It takes practice, of course, but it is not impossible. This is proven by “OneHandGamer1”, who uses the pad.
How can you play Fortnite using one hand?
The player shows how he is building with one hand. He holds his pad in a very specific way, but it is hardly surprising. “OneHandGamer1” has been training since January and as you can see he is doing quite well.

Of course, he will probably never be the level of the world champions, but in Fortnite, it is very important not only to press the keys quickly but also to think about what you are doing and in which direction you are building. There are a lot of people in the game community who build randomly, as long as it goes up.