These two Fortnite pickaxes will likely be free as part of Valentine’s Day event

It looks like Fortnite will be offering players two free pickaxes.
Fortnite leakers report that Valentine’s Day can be very interesting this year. Everything indicates that Epic is preparing something like an event on this occasion. It is known that classic red cosmetic items will return to the store.
Interestingly, apart from them, Epic also plans special challenges, thanks to which you will be able to unlock at least one pickaxe. At this point, the leakers are writing about two, but it is not known if they will both appear on Valentine’s Day.
We’ll probably get free Fortnite pickaxes
We are talking about two pickaxes that have markings other than normal. One is dedicated to something called “Creative Promo” – you can guess it’s the creative mode.
The second one is assigned to “Social Activation” – here the first association is something like activating friends or inviting them to the game.
A confirmation will only appear on Valentine’s Day, but even before, leakers will probably provide more information.