The wrecked car and tombstones in Fortnite commemorate the player’s “mishap” that became popular

Hardly anyone knows why there is a crashed car and tombstones in one place on the Fortnite map.
Epic likes to joke sometimes, and this is another example of that. The new season did not change the map by a lot but added some bigger and smaller things. While traveling through the island, you can, for example, find a car wreck.
There are two tombstones next to the wreck and flowers are placed on the car. Something must have happened here.
What’s this about?
It is a commemoration of the mishap of one of the players who, unfortunately, died while performing a trick. The recording that Epic has chosen to honor in this way is:
(turn your volume down first)

It’s a small gesture that obviously doesn’t change anything in terms of gameplay, but players definitely appreciate the little flavors that have a positive impact on the entire community.