The new season of Fortnite will be inspired by Marvel again? The players analyze this “announcement”


With only one update left by the end of the season, naturally there are more and more theories on the web about what to expect.

With everyone busy with IO, Dr. Slone, and that storyline, some of the YouTubers dealing with the Fortnite storyline have slightly reverted to the Chapter 3 leaks and started looking at them again. It quickly turned out that in all of this Epic may have hidden something that is a hint for the next events.

Tabor Hill, but also SypherPK (popular YouTubers), even before the start of chapter 3, received information related to the reversed world and the sentence “Winter is coming”. Of course, it could just be winter, but there is also another theory.

Not very possible, but interesting

This theory is not very plausible, but it is definitely different from all that only talks about IO, re-fight, etc. It draws attention to something else. “Winter is coming” could refer to winter itself, a winter event. It could also be a small teaser of cooperation with Game of Thrones.

And it could also refer to an old comic book in which one of the main roles was played by… Black Winter. Let us recall that in 2020 Thor entered the game, who “got along” with Galactus to stop the Black Winter.

The comic did not fully explain whether it was possible to defeat the Black Winter, it only mentioned that it was pushed away, repulsed. Recall that when Galactus devours planets, “Black Winter” does the same with universes. In short, he is worse.

What if the announcement “Winter is Coming” referred to this comic book? Knowing Donald Mustard and Epic, it might be possible, but unlikely. However, this is still one of the more interesting theories. According to her, the next or one of the following seasons would again include skins typical of the Marvel universe.

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