
Players are highly critical of Halloween in Fortnite. There is no shortage of voices that the game is becoming boring

The good and bad periods of Fortnite are very easy to distinguish. The classic “Fortnite dies” videos help with this.

What is the difference between good and bad periods in Fortnite? During the better there are far fewer videos with the title “Fortnite dies”, but of course, they still appear. During the worse times, practically everyone picks up this theme and it appears practically everywhere.

And so it is this time as well. It’s clear from the Youtube videos that Fortnite is in trouble.

There are a whole bunch of videos from popular YouTubers. Of course, among these new materials are also those from 2 or 4 years ago – practically every day someone uploads a video that Fortnite is dying.

Is it worse?

There is no doubt that in the community the discussion about Fortnite and what direction the game is heading has started again. Many people are pointing out that Halloween and the recent updates are quite disappointing, and Epic’s production is getting plain boring.

Of course, those core players will be happy with Epic’s decisions, which have calmed the gameplay, stabilized it and made it generally easier to catch on to what’s strong, what’s worth playing, etc.

That doesn’t change the fact that Fortnite is getting worse and worse to watch, and more and more people are simply complaining of boredom.

Precisely because, among other things, what people think is missing are those slightly crazy updates that introduced a ton of stuff and weren’t mostly limited to collaborations with other brands.