One of the favorite items available in the game will soon disappear from Fortnite

Players can slowly say goodbye to items to which everyone is already very attached.
Nowy sezon Fortnite wiąże się oczywiście z nową pulą przedmiotów. Choć Epic tego nigdzie nie komunikuje, to społeczność jest przekonana, że oznacza to oficjalne pożegnanie jednego z ulubionych przedmiotów, które kiedykolwiek były dostępne w grze.
The new season of Fortnite is, of course, associated with a new pool of items. While Epic doesn’t communicate it anywhere, the community believes it’s an official farewell of one of the favorite items that have ever been available in the game.
Unless Epic listens to the players
Lots of gamers comment that the gloves should stay in the game – they add some nice “organized” mobility that just fits Fortnite.
However, it is completely unclear whether Epic will want to leave them, or whether they will simply be moved to the vault and will only return during some interesting game modes or temporary events.
Epic will have to provide additional mobility, here, for example, helicopters can help. Recall that the developers have recently updated them, changing, for example, their color.
It’s hard to say whether players will be happy with such a substitution and what has Epic prepared for the new season. There is talk of the return of trolleys, but to what extent it is credible, it is not known.