How many updates ahead of Fortnite players is Epic? The creators are already thinking about the end of season 1

Tomorrow, the update marked as 19.20 will be introduced to Fortnite, while Epic is already testing the last patch this season.
If Epic returns to its normal schedule, Fortnite players should see a new update tomorrow. This one will actually be the second patch this season. Interestingly, Epic is way ahead.
It’s normal for developers to always be a bit ahead of the players, but such big differences don’t happen very often. As players wait for the second update, Epic is already thinking about the end of the season.
Epic is practically at the end
Today Epic started testing the update marked 19.40, one of the last, if not the actual last of the season.
More than half of Chapter 3 Season 1 is now over, so it’s only natural for Epic to think about an ending. Still, nothing is known about a possible event. All information is scraps of leaks and unsubstantiated theories.
There are 50 days left until the end of the season, if Epic maintains its current rhythm of updates every 2 weeks, then 19.40 could indeed be the last patch.