Description of the Fortnite 19.10 Content Update. Pizza boxes were introduced to the game

This is not a big surprise, there is a new “fix” in the game that just introduced pizza.
Unfortunately, there is no information about the revolver so far, this one will probably either be added later, or Epic simply gave it up. However, pizza was not abandoned.
Thanks to the Pizza Pit at Tilted Towers no longer being covered by snow, pizzas are being produced non-stop! Find Pizza Party boxes scattered throughout the Island, then throw one down for an instant feast with the squad.
Pizza added to Fortnite
These boxes of Slurpshroom Pizza contain eight surprisingly nutritious slices — eat them to restore Health and Shield simultaneously ’til you get to 100 Health and 50 Shield.

Devour slices straight from the box or store some to save for later. You can find Pizza Party boxes in Chests, Supply Drops, Loot Llamas, and on the ground. (We don’t judge for eating pizza found on the ground.) And of course, you can purchase some with Bars from Tomatohead.
Pizza Party boxes are currently not in competitive playlists but are subject to an evaluation period.